- Â Official Event Update - 4/28/2023
(also posted on Instagram @Letsgetfrankr)
Day 7 -
The Day 7 update is that the Earth Day inspired Lets Get Frank Paper Challenge has come to a close for now. I left my napkin at home and went out for some messy food 🌯🌮 and had to use a napkin. I was honestly disappointed, thought I had a lot more days to go till I cracked. It definitely showed all of us how integrated disposable paper goods are within our lifestyle, and how easy it can be to limit their use. For all of you who took part, passed it along and shared in the idea, thank you very much!! So, let the pelting begin! Reach out and we'll make the arrangements. 😀 😰 💚
Contact us if you lasted longer than I did in the LGF paper challenge to arrange the pelting and we'll be posting from around St. Pete!Â
The Lets Get Frank Paper Challenge's goal is to help reduce single use paper product consumption. It starts on 4/22 and goes until I crack by using any 1 of 3 items...
Paper Towels - Paper Napkins - Paper Plates
If you resist the paper pull longer than I do, you can pelt me! (with a wet reusable towel)Â
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 - ?
The goal of this event is to raise awareness for Earth Day, save some trees and you some coin!
 In discussing Earth Day with friends and colleagues I realized that many of us had little idea of how to recognize it beyond the day itself, or how to incorporate it into our daily lives. From these discussions the idea for Lets Get Frank! was born. The premise is simple, at midnight on 4/22/2023 I will stop using certain single-use paper products, and so will our participants. Daily updates will be posted and I will announce as soon I break the fast, thereby 'losing' to anyone still in the running, and everyone can post on their progress too. Relying on the honor system, all those who outlast me can then pelt me with a wet towel at a later date of their choosing by contacting me at letsgetfrankr@gmail.com. All the events will take place in and around St. Pete and be uploaded to Instagram @letsgetfrankr  for a good laugh. For those of you not planning a trip to the Sunshine City anytime soon, we are working on a virtual pelting option. Check back for updates.
  As many of you already know, these paper products consume large amounts of water to process, thousands of acres of trees, and are rarely if ever recycled due to the nature of their use. They have become ever present in our daily lives and this is an easy way to say lets get better! Not too long ago we all used sponges, dish towels and washable napkins, and as I began looking at my own use, I was surprised at the amount of these I consumed and threw away, even with some inkling about the sustainability issues. Our parents and grandparents did it and so can we. After all, Our earth is our children's future.
To give you an idea what you're up against my consumption for 1 day is...
Paper Towels - single sheet 12x12 - 14 ea / primarily for hand drying, counter and spill wiping
Paper Plates - 1 plate / mostly eliminated but still use for outdoor meals or transporting food from the grill and found I often need to 'double up'
Paper Napkins - 10 per day / 2-3 per meal plus miscellaneous use
Now that you've got the idea, keep in mind that you can do less as your needs dictate or more as your needs allow. Whatever level that's comfortable for you helps us all!
RSVP below to let us know you'll be helping! Any way you reach out is the right way.
We're collecting emails only to have a list of participants and you won't be added to a mailing list (except for next year's event, of course) or have the address released. Also no money is changing hands in this event except for what you may save.
This event is registered with the official Earth Day.org web site